You are here: 51. Introduction to Distribution Training Manual > 51.14. Purchasing Inquiries and Reports > 51.14.1. On Order Report

On Order Report

The On Order Report shows every outstanding purchase order by supplier. It includes details such as item number, warehouse, order date, due date, quantity on order, quantity received, quantity outstanding and cost value, providing a total for each supplier and a total for the entire report.


Micronet displays the Purchase Order Report screen.

  1. Select ORDER and then select one of the following options to choose the order in which you want the report sorted:

Micronet places a tick beside the selected option.

  1. Select FILE | RUN REPORT.

Micronet displays a User Defined Questions screen.

  1. Enter or select the starting and ending values for the report (e.g. supplier numbers and/or warehouse numbers).
  1. Select the Ok button.

Micronet prints or displays the On Order Report in the selected sort order.